Uniting Churches to Help Neighbors in Need

The local church is God’s answer to community brokenness and a part of his plan of redemption and restoration. That’s why we mobilize local churches to offer a holistic approach to caring for people in all areas of life: spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical.

Our Mission + Vision

Seeing Christ-centered churches united in purpose and fully engaged in actively living out their faith by lovingly serving people in need in their communities. Mobilizing local churches to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ.

Making A Difference:
Love INC Helping Churches Help People

Love In the Name of Christ of Newaygo County was founded in 1987 by seven area churches. Their desire was to share the love of Christ by responding to unmet community needs without duplicating efforts.

Join Us

Today, over 300 Love INC volunteers are serving in a variety of ways – from building ramps and working in the resale store and food pantry to teaching classes and mentoring students. We are one of 135 Love INC affiliates serving throughout the United States and Kenya, Africa.

To learn more about how you can make a difference in our community, please click the button below.


Driving Forward

If you ever had an opportunity to gain freedom and independence, then you know the feelings of joy and excitement that process often brings. For the several families in our community, what began as a request for assistance turned into a testimony of God’s faithfulness.

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