About Love INC

Our Vision

To see Christ-centered churches united in purpose and fully engaged in actively living out their faith by lovingly serving people in need in their communities.

Our Mission

Is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities In the Name of Christ.

Our Core Values

· We are Christian. Everything we think, say and do is in the name of Christ.
· Prayer is an integral part of who we are.
· We follow Christ’s example of valuing those in need.
· We value unity of the Body of Christ.
· We value transformation in the lives of people and communities.
· We value churches living out the two great commandments to love God and love their neighbors.
· We value building Christ-like relationships.
· We value the connectedness of the Love INC movement.
· We model excellence.
· We value continually maturing in our capacity to meet people’s needs.

History of Love In the Name of Christ of Newaygo County

Love In the Name of Christ of Newaygo County (Love INC) was founded in 1987 by seven local area churches. Their desire was to share the love of Christ by responding to unmet community needs (physical, spiritual, and emotional) without duplicating efforts.

Today, over 300 Love INC community and partner church volunteers are working together to share the love of God with our neighbors in need. We are one of 135 Love INC affiliates serving throughout the United States and in Kenya, Africa.

“We LOVE, We SERVE. We LISTEN, We MENTOR… Love INC + The Church… WE”

The Meaning Behind the Mark

We are connectors. We connect churches to one another and their community. We connect community members to resources and support. We bring people together, and in those intersections, they experience divine encounters with God.

Secondly, while our mission is about transformation, we are not the ones who do the transformation work. Rather, we create the scaffolding upon which transformation and growth is possible. We create spaces where church
volunteers and community members lives intersect and reciprocal transformation can occur. Then, the body of Christ rises up to do what it does best—care for one another and point people to God.