Volunteer and Community Service Opportunities​

Love INC is a great place to use your gifts and talents, while giving back to the community and making friends. Love INC also offers community service opportunities to high school students needing community service credit hours, and also to community members who have court ordered community service requirements. All community service performed through Love INC must be approved in advance by the Love INC staff. Please contact us to discuss community service requirements and availability.



Love INC Resale Store

The Resale Store is a vibrant part of our ministry and Resale Store volunteers serve in a variety of ways. Volunteer opportunities with the Resale Store include:

If you enjoy talking to people, showing them Christ’s love, and answering some of their questions about Love INC, consider becoming one of our store cashiers. (Yes, men, you too are welcome to cashier).

Clothing, Shoes, and Linens
If you enjoy volunteering more in the background with other volunteers, consider working in our clothing and linens area sorting, pricing, and hanging items to be placed in the store.

Household Goods
If working behind the scenes is more to your liking, then consider sorting, cleaning, pricing and placing household items in the store. You would be amazed at the number of unique items Love INC receives each week!

Are you a book lover? If so, you might consider helping us sort, price and display books in the store.

Donation Receiving
We are always in need of people willing to help donors unload donation items and perform preliminary sorting in the receiving room before the items are brought into the main sorting room. We also are in need of strong volunteers to help donors unload larger furniture and/or appliance type items.

Furniture Department
If you enjoy talking with people, answering their questions, and are willing to learn about pricing used furniture items, you may enjoy working in our furniture department.

Delivery Truck

We are always in need of strong, able-bodied volunteers to help pick up and deliver furniture items throughout the community. Our truck volunteers typically work in groups of two or three.

NEW! If you enjoy making friends, looking for ways to use your creativity, and reduce waste all at the same time, then consider joining our re-purposing group. It’s surprising what can be created from items that would otherwise be discarded.

We would like to not only re-purpose items for the resale store, but also hold classes for volunteers to teach them how to re-purpose. If you are willing to re-purpose, teach a class in re-purposing, or you’d like to learn how to re-purpose… give us a call!

Love INC Food Pantry

The Love INC Community Food Pantry currently serves over 600 families each month.

Volunteer opportunities in this area include:

Shopping Assistant

If you enjoy talking to people and showing them Christ’s love, consider volunteering by escorting shoppers through the food pantry. It’s a great way to meet community members!

Pantry Stocker
If you prefer to volunteer in the background, we need volunteers willing to repackage bulk items and help restock empty shelves during the day.

Tuesday Evening Window Receptionist

If you enjoy talking with people and feel comfortable with basic computer data entry, consider volunteering as a food pantry window receptionist on Tuesday evening (4:45 pm – 7:00 pm).

‘Grow A Row’ Gardeners

Please consider planting an extra row of vegetables or fruit to share with the food pantry. We were able to offer families wonderful fresh produce during the summer months because growers, farmers, and gardeners are willing to share their crops with us.

Hunters, Farmers, and 4-H Fair Meat for God
If you are a hunter, consider harvesting an extra deer or two for the food pantry. Some local processors are even willing to process venison for our pantry at no change or at a reduced rate.

If you or your company purchases farm animals through the 4-H fair in August each year, please consider donating meat to our pantry. Fair meat helps our pantry greatly during the lean winter months.

Please note that per regulations, all meat donated to our pantry must be processed by a licensed processor. Please check with our office for more specific details regarding meat donations. The number to call for questions is 231.652.4099 Ext 118.

Growing Hope Transformational Ministries

Transformational Ministry addresses the issue of chronic need and the lack of skills and support systems. It takes a team of volunteers, filling many roles, to effectively walk alongside individuals on a long-term basis, as they set goals, overcome roadblocks, and regain hope.

Below are some of the volunteer opportunities through this program:

Teacher and Facilitators
If you enjoy teaching and interacting with others, consider becoming one of our financial management, affirming potential, or job readiness training presenters. Each one-hour lesson is outlined in PowerPoint or video and is very easy to follow. Volunteer training is provided.

Class Advisors/Mentors
We also need volunteers willing to sit in on some of the classes, help field questions from participants, help people set up their budgets, establish relationships, and, if participants desire, work with them after the 14-week course, in a one-on-one mentoring situation. Mentoring holds people accountable as they continue down the pathway to financial and life stability.

Personal Growth/Life Skills Instructors
Do you have a skill or talent you would like to share with others? Consider teaching one of our 7-week or 14-week personal growth classes. Just imagine the possibilities… Bible studies on various topics, cooking classes, minor home repairs, nutrition, baking, auto repair, gardening, women’s studies, parenting, boundaries, knitting, simple gifts… and more!

Childcare Providers
Free childcare is offered to all families willing to participate in any of the Transformation Ministry classes. If you enjoy working with children and have a heart’s desire to see their parents gain emotional, financial and spiritual health, this may be the perfect volunteer opportunity for you. This is also a great opportunity for high school students looking for community service hours!

Weekly Meal Volunteers
Each week a different group of church or community volunteers provides a meal for the Growing Hope TM participants and volunteers. The meal kicks off our evening programs each week and provides a time for families, classmates, and volunteers to relax and build relationship.

Meals are served at 5:15 pm, and serve approximately 30-40 people. For more information, please contact us at 231.652.4099 Ext 127.

Prayer Partners
Do you love to pray for people? Consider becoming one of our Growing Hope prayer partners. Receive prayer requests each week from Growing Hope participants and lift them to the Lord.

Other Ways To Volunteer:

  • Gap Ministry Volunteers
  • Build Wheelchair Ramps
  • Quilting and Sewing Group

Prayer Intercessors
Receive weekly prayer requests and commit to praying for those requests.

Special Event Volunteers
Volunteer to help at events such as:  Bling for the KINGdom, Golf Outing, Banquets, etc…Call Love INC to learn more about these opportunities.

Serving as a Love INC Board Member
The primary purpose of the board of directors is to discern God’s will for Love INC of Newaygo County. In addition, they:

  • Board members cast vision for the ministry
  • Pray for the ministry
  • Govern and develop policies that give directions to the ministry
  • Provide credibility to the ministry
  • Display commitment to the mission and vision of Love INC
  • Volunteer sufficient time and resources to help Love INC achieve its mission

Minor Home Repairs

Do you enjoy helping others with minor home repairs (plumbing, electrical, patching holes, fixing leaks, installing locks, etc…)? If your answer is ‘yes’, then please give us a call!

For more information on volunteer opportunities, please contact us at 231.652.4099 Ext 127.