As the Connection Center receives calls, “gaps” in community services and resources are identified. Love INC helps churches and church volunteers build ministries to fill in the service gaps within our community.


Project Ramp
Project Ramp volunteers have built over 170 ramps since 2007! Many churches do not have the staff or the funds to assist families with construction needs such as a wheelchair ramp. When Love INC partner churches combine volunteers and resources… together, we are better able to meet people’s needs.

Requests for ramps are received during the Spring, Summer, and Fall months, and verified through the Love INC Connection Center. Once the need is verified, volunteers from several partner churches work with the family to get the ramp built. Funding for ramp construction comes from many sources such as family contributions, church and individual donations, as well as grant funds from the Fremont Area Community Foundation.

If you are in need of a ramp, interested in volunteering with Project Ramp, or would like to donate to this ministry, please contact us.

The Quilting and Sewing Ministry
Volunteer quilters and sewers meet monthly to turn pieces of material into beautiful quilts, lap blankets, duffle bags, pillowcases, scarves, and more. In 2019, our quilting group created 91 duffle bags for children in foster care and quilts were donated to residents of a local domestic violence shelter.

Medical Equipment Ministry
Love INC of Newaygo County offers the opportunity for Newaygo County residents to borrow medical equipment through a loan agreement. Depending on what is on loan, our inventory will vary. We may have: walkers, crutches, wheelchairs, kneel scooters, commodes, or shower chairs.